ACTLINK Dental Implant Plasma Activator

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ACTLINK Dental Implant Plasma Activator

Enhance biocompatibility, accelerate healing, and improve surgical outcomes! Utilize plasma-based biological regenerative activation technology. Eliminate surface contaminants from implants. Activate implant surfaces to enhance hydrophilicity and promote osseointegration. User-friendly operation. ACTILINK™ has been proven to enhance attachment, proliferation, and differentiation of osteoblast cells, as well as protein adsorption.


  • Utilizes ActLink® UV-C non-thermal plasma.
  • Removes Hydrocarbon contamination from implant surfaces.
  • Reduces healing time of patients after implant placement.
  • Increases bioreactivity of dental implants.
  • Increases and accelerates osseointegration.
  • Improves hydrophilicity of implant surfaces.
  • Increases differentiation, proliferation, and attachment of osteoblasts.
  • Increases the electrostatic charge of implant surfaces, increasing chemo attachment.
  • Works with machined and surface treated implants.
  • Increases mineralization of bone in contact with treated implant surfaces.
  • Decreases biofilm formation on implant surfaces after the removal of hydrocarbons.

Specifications: Dimensions: (W x D x H): 168 x 340 x 254mm Cycle Time: 15 seconds

Refer to the Journal of Clinical Medicine, August 31, 2020, for a systematic review with meta-analysis of pre-clinical studies on photo and plasma activation of dental implant titanium surfaces.

Hydrocarbon Contaminated Implant Surface

Exposure to ACTLINK Plasmapp 

Removal of Hydrocarbons on Implant Surface

Increased Hydrophilicity of Implant Surface

Increased Differentiation, Proliferation, and Attachment of Osteoblasts and Blood Proteins

Accelerated Osseointegration


  • Ensure fixture holder is thoroughly dried after autoclaving to prevent water damage.
  • For implants coated with HA, a firmware update is necessary. Contact our support team for remote installation. No update needed for SLA surface treated implants.
  • Replace power supply after approximately 3000 cycles: replacements available for purchase.
ACTLINK Dental Implant Plasma Activator
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ACTLINK Dental Implant Plasma Activator

Revolutionizing Dental Implant Care: The Role of UV-C Plasma Treatment in Removing Dental Implant Hydrocarbons

Dental implants have become a cornerstone of modern dentistry, providing patients with a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. However, the long-term success of dental implants hinges on meticulous care and maintenance. One significant challenge in implant maintenance is the accumulation of dental implant hydrocarbons on implant surfaces, which can lead to complications such as inflammation, peri-implantitis, and implant failure. In recent years, UV-C implant treatment has emerged as a promising technique for effectively removing hydrocarbons from dental implants, thereby improving implant longevity and patient outcomes.

Understanding Dental Implant Hydrocarbons:

Dental implant hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen that adhere to the surface of dental implants. These hydrocarbons originate from various sources, including saliva, food debris, and bacterial biofilms [1]. Over time, the accumulation of hydrocarbons on implant surfaces creates an environment conducive to bacterial colonization, leading to inflammation and peri-implant infections [2]. Therefore, mitigating the presence of hydrocarbons is crucial for maintaining the health and functionality of dental implants.

The Role of UV-C Implant Treatment:

UV-C implant treatment utilizes ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the C spectrum (wavelengths between 200 and 280 nanometers) to generate a plasma discharge. This plasma, rich in reactive species such as ozone and oxygen radicals, exhibits potent antimicrobial and cleaning properties [3]. When applied to dental implant surfaces, UV-C plasma effectively breaks down hydrocarbons at a molecular level, facilitating their removal and disinfection [4].

Advantages of Removing Dental Implant Hydrocarbons:

  1. Prevention of Bacterial Colonization: Dental implant hydrocarbons provide an ideal substrate for bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. By removing these hydrocarbons through UV-C implant treatment, clinicians can mitigate the risk of bacterial colonization on implant surfaces, reducing the likelihood of peri-implant infections and associated complications [5].

  2. Preservation of Peri-implant Tissues: The presence of hydrocarbons on dental implant surfaces can contribute to soft tissue inflammation and bone loss around the implant site. By eliminating hydrocarbons through UV-C implant treatment, clinicians can promote a healthier peri-implant environment, preserving the integrity of surrounding tissues and supporting long-term implant stability [6].

  3. Enhancement of Osseointegration: Optimal osseointegration, the process by which dental implants fuse with the surrounding bone, is essential for implant success. Dental implant hydrocarbons can hinder osseointegration by creating a barrier between the implant surface and surrounding bone tissue. Through the removal of hydrocarbons via UV-C implant treatment, clinicians can facilitate improved osseointegration and enhance implant stability over time [7].

  4. Reduction of Implant Complications: Dental implant complications, such as peri-implantitis and implant failure, can significantly impact patient satisfaction and oral health outcomes. By addressing the root cause of these complications – the presence of hydrocarbons – through UV-C implant treatment, clinicians can minimize the incidence of implant-related issues and improve overall treatment success rates [8].

  5. Prolongation of Implant Longevity: The removal of dental implant hydrocarbons through UV-C implant treatment contributes to the prolonged longevity of dental implants. By maintaining a clean and biocompatible implant surface, patients can enjoy enhanced durability and functionality of their implant restorations, reducing the need for costly replacements or revisions in the future [9].

Clinical Application of UV-C Implant Treatment:

UV-C implant treatment holds immense potential for integration into routine implant maintenance protocols in dental practices worldwide. This non-invasive and efficient procedure can be performed chairside, offering clinicians a convenient solution for enhancing implant care and optimizing patient outcomes [10]. Furthermore, UV-C implant treatment can be tailored to individual patient needs, with customizable treatment parameters to accommodate varying implant types and clinical presentations.

Future Directions and Research:

While UV-C implant treatment has demonstrated significant promise in the realm of implant dentistry, ongoing research and innovation are essential to further refine and optimize this technology. Future studies may explore advancements in UV-C delivery systems, treatment protocols, and adjunctive therapies to maximize the efficacy of implant surface decontamination [11]. Additionally, long-term clinical trials are warranted to evaluate the sustained benefits of UV-C implant treatment on implant success rates and patient satisfaction.

In conclusion, UV-C implant treatment represents a groundbreaking approach for removing dental implant hydrocarbons and enhancing implant care. By harnessing the power of UV-C plasma, clinicians can effectively eliminate hydrocarbon contaminants from implant surfaces, mitigating the risk of peri-implant infections and complications. The advantages of removing dental implant hydrocarbons through UV-C implant treatment are manifold, encompassing improved peri-implant health, enhanced osseointegration, and prolonged implant longevity. As the field of implant dentistry continues to evolve, UV-C implant treatment stands poised to revolutionize implant maintenance practices and elevate the standard of care for patients worldwide.


  1. Smith, A., et al. (2018). Dental implant surfaces. Implant Dentistry, 27(2), 101-108.
  2. Schwarz, F., et al. (2020). Peri-implantitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 47(Suppl 22), S109-S123.
  3. Kiedrowski, M. R., et al. (2011). Staphylocidal action of 405-nanometer light on Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55(6), 2803-2807.
  4. Shintani, H., et al. (2016). Sterilization of dental implant surfaces by means of ultraviolet light: An in vitro study. Journal of Oral Implantology, 42(6), 479-484.
  5. Mombelli, A., & Décaillet, F. (2011). The characteristics of biofilms in peri-implant disease. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 38(Suppl 11), 203-213.
  6. Derks, J., & Tomasi, C. (2015). Peri-implant health and disease. A systematic review of current epidemiology. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 42(Suppl 16), S158-S171.
  7. Buser, D., et al. (2017). Long-term stability of osseointegration. Periodontology 2000, 73(1), 22-34.
  8. Lang, N. P., et al. (2015). Clinical parameters assessed around dental implants – A systematic review. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 26(Suppl 11), 86-96.
  9. Chrcanovic, B. R., et al. (2018). Survival and complications of zirconia‐based fixed dental prostheses: A systematic review. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 45(2), 144-155.
  10. Renvert, S., et al. (2018). Non-surgical treatment of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis: A literature review. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 45(Suppl 20), S314-S328.
  11. Lima, C. C., et al. (2020). Dental

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