Regenerative Case Studies
Implant Floated in Socket Graft Plus™
Grafting With Severely Damaged Sockets
Socket Graft Plus™ and Wall Loss Cases
Clinical Appearance of Socket Graft Plus™
The Biology of 4-Week Implant Placement
Sutureless Socket Membranes with Oral Bond™
Watching Bone Grow: The Clinical Characteristics of Socket Graft™
Socket Graft™ Cases with Histology
Proven Integration on Immediate Implant Surfaces
Biocompatible and Non-Biocompatible Bone Grafts–Don’t Mix!
Socket Graft™ Histology
Socket Graft Injectable™ and the 4-Week Implant
Treating a Profusely Bleeding and Infected Socket
Gingival Esthetics and Bone Grafting Immediate Implants
Immediate Implant Grafting with Immediate Graft™
Treating Exposed Threads with Immediate Graft™
Aesthetic Zone with Loss of Buccal Wall
Achieving Successful Immediate Implants
Regenerating a Severe Distal Moat with the Inverted Periosteal Graft
Learning the Inverted Periosteal Graft
Regenerating Circumferential Bone Loss
Regeneration of a Lingual Moat with Interproximal Crater
Regenerating Mesial Furrow Lesion of Maxillary Bicuspid
Regenerating Class 2 Furcations
Regeneration of a Class 111 Trifurcation with the Inverted Periosteal Graft
Diagnosing and Treating a Hollow Jaw
More BioDensification™ Cases
Premaxilla Ridge Augmentation
Simple Ridge Augmentation
Sinus Augmentation Cases
Steiner Sinus Bump Technique
Minimally Invasive Sinus Augmentation Guidelines
OsseoConduct™ Histology
Sinus Augmentation with OsseoConduct βTCP
Synthetic Alternative to Autologous Bone Grafting
Use of βTCP in Maxillary Sinus Lifting